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Air Conditioning Options

As you probably know, the Australian summertime can be extremely hot. When I moved to Australia from England, I knew it would be warm, but I wasn't ready for the intense heat. I had bought a home on the outskirts of Sydney. It was a great place but unfortunately, it didn't have an HVAC system. I moved in during the winter time, so this wasn't a problem. However, when the weather began to warm up, the interior of my home became very uncomfortable. I called in an HVAC contractor who explained my options before installing a modern HVAC system which keeps my house nice and cool.


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Air Conditioning Options

Why You Should Consider Split-System Air Conditioning Installation for Your Older Home

by Herminia Lopez

If you live in an older home that was built without some form of central air in mind, another hot summer afternoon can have you mulling an air conditioning system installation. But which type of aircon system should you opt for?

Various air conditioning options are available for older homes, but some are better suited to the task than others. Installing split-system air conditioning is one of the best ways to introduce cool air into your interior living space.

Keep reading to find out why this form of air conditioning works well for most older homes.

No ductwork is required

Traditional central air conditioning systems rely on pre-existing ductwork to distribute cool air throughout a home. If you don't have any ductwork already installed in your home, the cost of retrofitting your house to route all that ductwork can be prohibitive.

A split-system air conditioner is a two-part cooling system that does not require ductwork to cool your home. It works by drawing hot air from a room through the indoor unit (air handler or evaporator unit), dissipating the heat to the outside environment via the outdoor unit (condenser unit), and then delivering the newly cool air within the room through the air handler until room temperatures fall to the desired levels.

The indoor unit of a split-system air conditioner is usually mounted on the interior walls of a house just slightly below the ceiling. The outdoor unit, on the other hand, is often placed on the ground. This style of installation eliminates the need for bulky ductwork and a potentially expensive retrofit of your home. This can reduce your AC installation costs substantially.

Allows for zoned cooling

Regular central aircon systems are great at effectively cooling the whole house, but they will require installing dampers in the existing ductwork to treat different rooms or areas of the home individually.

Unlike central air systems, split-system air conditioners do not require further modifications or adjustments to provide zoning capabilities. They are room-by-room cooling systems that allow you to set the temperature for every room of the house any way you want. You can also cool some rooms or areas of the house to the exclusion of others. This helps keep your home cooling expenses as low as possible.

Split-system air conditioning is a great way to cool your older home without the disruption and expense of a traditional central cooling system. However, they take up interior wall space and can be quite obtrusive. As a result, you may have to choose your split-system aircon with every room's interior design in mind. For more information on split-system AC systems, contact a split system installation contractor.
